Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This Sunday I’m doing my second triathlon

Friday, June 19, 2009
From my Original Blog hosted on my "Mobil Me" account that apple was so nice to retired without giving me the option to move it to the damn cloud.

I guess, I am even more anxious than the first Triathlon mostly because now, I know, what I am getting myself into; so, in order to stay motivated I trained my mind to endure miles of swimming, biking, and running. I designed a MANTRA to overcome the excruciating pain. Those painful moments when you feel like giving up, those moments where the lactic acid is flowing thru your muscles and making your body ache, you vision blurs, and the voice in your head keeps telling you WHY, Why are you doing this to me. Go home now, just make a U-Turn nobody will notice…..

BUT NO, NO and NO this will not happen to me AGAIN… I will calm myself down and I will not Freak out AGAIN like the last time when a 22 feet hungry Great White Shark almost eat me alive... really, I almost died, or was the guy swimming next to me hitting my leg..... hummmm!!! well same difference anyway.

Also, I will not spend 20 min hanging on each buoy waiting for the life guard to pass close by to ambush him and steal his surfboard.

NO, NO NO my mantra will not let me fail. I will synchronize my mind and my body, it will remind me of all the hours of training, it will remind me of those alone moments on the road watching the sunset in the desert and the sky merging with the crystal clear lake……… wait, wait, waaaiiiiit forget that…. That was from the Forest Gump movie I saw last night….

.....OK, Ok Mind, stop wandering and concentrate in the Mantra.

The Mantra must be something close to spiritual almost like a prayer to your higher self. The Mantra needs to connect you with the energy of the Universe to bring the wisdom and the power to overcome all and every single obstacle in front of you.

So after training with many different mantras, prayers, and self motivating incantations; I found my mantra. It was NOT thanks to Anthony Robins, Deepak Chopra, Richard Simmons, or even El Padre Alberto NO; it was thanks to NACHO Libre who gave me the mantra that filled my soul and body with the vigor to keep going, to stay in motion, and to cross the finish line.

…….… My Mantra:…………. “NO WAY JOSEI”

Mind: Stop running nobody is chasing you….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: You are going to drown if you swim that distance….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: Are we there yet, I’m tired….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: Hey look at that girl; let’s go talk to her….Me: NO WAY JOSEI, well maybe later

Mind: Look!!! the restrooms, please stop, I can't hold it any longer….Me: NOoo WAaaYyy JouSeIiiiiiiii, hay mama

Mind: If you don’t stop now I will psycho you out next time you….. Me: 0.o AH!!!! NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI,

Well you got the picture….. see you in the Finish line

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