Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This is not any of my business or is it

I had seen so many things that scare the Living S… out of me; I see kids killing kids, a teenager killing his brother, and so many other horrible stories. I can’t understand why this is happening more and more everyday. It seems surreal and I cannot believe there weren’t any signs to alert the people around them that something was wrong. Common really!!!!!! you are going to tell me that the kid that kill his brother never ever showed any sign of frustration, hate, or even Dexter like attitudes. Do you think that kid just wake up that day and in a rampant just stab his brother. Somebody should have seen early sings and done something, intervene, get involved, proactively take action to help and avoid a potentially explosive situation that can escalate to an uncontrollable point.

One of the expression that I hate the most is “THAT’S NOT ANY OF MY BUSINESS” well if somebody had made it his business a lot of people would be alive today. The priest type of friendship is almost as useless as no friendship at all. Friends that only act or get involved when they are asked too, are no better that Pilates when he washed his hand to seal Christ fate. Ok I didn’t want to be religious or quote The Rolling Stones here but the story fits.

Real friends Get Involve despite the fact that is their business or not; if you see your friend going down, making a mistake, depress, behaving in a way that sooner or later would end up hurting himself and the people around him; Stand Up And Say Something. Do not wait for him/her to come to you for help sometimes people do not recognize that they need help. Don’t be a priest sitting in the confessionary box waiting for the next believer in need of help or just of somebody to talk to.

For instance, if you see your idiot friend infatuated by a beautiful Russian model about to leave everything to be with her. It’s that any of your business? ? ? ? probably not but what if you made it your business. Well I did and today my friend is in his home with his family and happier than ever only because I made that my business despite the advices of all my other friends telling me to not get involved. And I end up with the Russian but that is besides the point.

All the situations and the characters in this story are fictional and product of my imagination any similarity with the real world… Well let’s say it’s not about you.

You can’t imaging the power of a word of advice even if it is unsolicited. It can change people so stop watching your friends lives from the bench and be part of the game; get involved when you have to even if IT’S NOT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS.

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