Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Philosophy is the mother of all science................NOT

Reading I came across the phrase “Philosophy is the mother of all science” and I couldn’t avoid the sensation that something was wrong with that statement. So I started studying, reflecting, and asking questions; you could say, I was philosophizing about this and I came up with the conclusion that Philosophy is NOT the mother of all science LEISURE is.

Let me explain. First of all, let’s find out why in the middle ages philosophy was declared the mother of all sciences.

So Let's start with the definition of Philosophy......

"It is not the sciences that teach man to think; it is philosophy that lays down the epistemological criteria of all sciences." So epistemology is the method of logic behind a system of philosophy. Nothing is a philosophy that does not have an epistemological base. Therefore, Philosophy is the "mother" of all disciplines.

Damn...!!!! ok whatever!!!!!!!!!

 I didn’t understand or believe that explanation so I am going to have to differ from Aristotle, Galileo and even Lord Isaac Newton. I don't believe Philosophy is the mother of all science. To prove my point let me tell you a couple of stories.

Galileo was on the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and dropped simultaneously balls of differing weights of roughly the same size in order to prove that all objects fall at the same rate, whatever their mass.

Galileo Galilei's spent hours dropping objects of different weight and materials.

......Another story

Sir Isaac Newton sat beneath an apple tree contemplating the mysterious universe. Suddenly - boink! -an apple hits him on the head. "Aha!" he shouts, or perhaps, "Eureka!" In a flash he understands that the very same force that brought the apple crashing toward the ground also keeps the moon falling toward the Earth and the Earth falling toward the sun. And this is the story of how Newton discover his Gravitational Theory........ very nice indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok my point is… If Galileo and Newton had a family to feed, with 3 or more hungry kids, a nagging wife, a job, an ass whole boss, and another hundred thousand responsibilities. They wouldn't had the time to spend hours trowing stuff out of a tower or have a peaceful leisure time under a tree with their minds in such an idle stage that they can come up with all that BS... well ok not really BS kinda an important but you know what I mean.

Ok, to my point, I concluded that Leisure is the mother of all science and NOT philosophy.

Ok I know I have why too much Leisure time on my hands


  1. Haha. I think you only made it halfway through your point. There needs to be another half that continues to the whole point. :p
    Anyway, you can read my article "Philosophy: The Mother of All Knowledge) at my blog if you needed some points here and there, or a model to criticize. ^^

    1. Hey I'll love to read it what's the link?

    2. Hello. I'm sincerely sorry for answering this late. Here it is: http://3dnanoo94.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/philosophy-the-mother-of-all-knowledge/


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