Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Formula for Happiness

After years of research and reading, I came to the conclusion that the secret of happiness is not based on external factors. The fact that ones have a life with or without extreme hurtful or pleasant circumstances does not define one’s life as happy or sad. Science is now understanding that the universe is not defined unilaterally but it depends on the perception of the viewer. This “new” understanding of how the universe works is based on the quantum theory, where an Higgs Boson can be in two places at the same time and many dimension exist simultaneously.

So, if we take the same theory an applied to our happiness, we can conclude that the level of happiness is based on our own perception and the way we  interpret the circumstances that affect us every day. In plain terms, the Half full, half empty approach. It’s the way we decide to take the things that happen to us. Consequently, happiness depends on internal factors.

So, internal factors, right? But how can we influence internal factors to have an happier life. Well, happiness is a feeling that for many years have being considered a psychological estate of mind. Although this is correct in part, nowadays we know that every emotion, we have, is the result of a cocktail of hormones, molecules, and substances in the brain. Therefore, the production and interaction of those substances can be stimulated and managed by understanding the brains chemistry how and when they are produced.

So, let me tell you about seven of those substances that have a direct effect on our happiness.

1. Endocannabinoids: “The Bliss Molecule”, it alters perceptions and states of consciousness in various ways. This Molecule is, most likely, the cause for runner's high.

2. Dopamine: “The Reward Molecule” Dopamine is responsible for reward-driven behavior and pleasure seeking. Every type of reward seeking behavior that has been studied increases the level of dopamine transmission in the brain. If you want to get a hit of dopamine, set a goal and achieve it.

3. Oxytocin: “The Bonding Molecule” Oxytocin is a hormone directly linked to human bonding and increasing trust and loyalty.  In some studies, high levels of oxytocin have been correlated with romantic attachment. The bottom line is that skin-to-skin contact, affection, love making and intimacy are key to feeling happy.

4. Endorphin: “The Pain-Killing Molecule”. Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during strenuous physical exertion, sexual intercourse and orgasm. They are connected to the ‘feeling no pain’ aspect of aerobic exercise and are produced in larger quantities during high intensity ‘anaerobic’ cardio and strength training. Make these pursuits a part of your regular life to keep the endorphins pumping.

5. GABA: “The Anti-Anxiety Molecule” GABA is an inhibitory molecule that slows down the firing of neurons and creates a sense of calmness. You can increase GABA naturally by practicing yoga, meditation or “The Relaxation Response.”

6. Serotonin: “The Confidence Molecule” Ultimately the link between higher serotonin and a lack of rejection sensitivity allows people to put themselves in situations that will bolster self-esteem, increase feelings of worthiness and create a sense of belonging. To increase serotonin, challenge yourself regularly and pursue things that reinforce a sense of purpose, meaning and accomplishment.  Being able to say "I did it!" will produce a feedback loop that will reinforce behaviors that build self-esteem and make you less insecure and create an upward spiral of more and more serotonin.

7. Adrenaline: “The Energy Molecule” Adrenaline, plays a large role in the fight or flight mechanism. The release of epinephrine is exhilarating and creates a surge in energy. Adrenaline causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and works by causing less important blood vessels to constrict and increasing blood flow to larger muscles. An ‘adrenaline rush’ comes in times of distress or facing fearful situations. It can be triggered on demand by doing things that terrify you or being thrust into a situation that feels dangerous. A surge of adrenaline makes you feel very alive. It can be an antidote for boredom, malaise and stagnation. Taking risks, and doing scary things that force you out of your comfort zone is key to maximizing your human potential.

So my formula for happiness is based on a life-style. The engineer in me couldn’t resist the temptation to make a formula for reaching happiness.

The Formula  for happiness:

Set a terrifying physical challenge (Adrenaline). Train hard to reach it (Endocannabinoids), make those muscles hurt (Endorphin). Join a team or a group and make your training a social experience; make friends and make love (Oxytocin). Save time for Yoga and relaxation (GABA). Ones you accomplish your goal (Dopamine) be proud of yourself (Serotonin). Set another one and start all over again.

Follow this way of life, be positive, block all negative thoughts even under terrible circumstances, and be happy.

In short:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

En 20 años

Yo no tengo que culparte.
Ni tengo que decirte lo que haz hecho.
Ni te puedo explicar.
Ni lo vas a entender.
Y les hablo a todos.
Y a ti también.

En 20 años lo vas a saber.
Espero por lo más grande que estés vivo,
para que veas como serás juzgado.
Espero por lo más grande que esté vivo,
para ver la cara de tus hijos
cuando lean tu legado.

Tu arrogancia de creerte el único que tenía derecho,
tu soberbia y tus crímenes
pero aún más por poner a hermanos contra hermanos,
por crear odio y
por sembrar la intolerancia.
Por la falta de respeto y
por creer que tu casta era la única que tenía derecho.

Por traicionar tus valores.
Y por vencerte al miedo.
Y por marchar a los inocentes a la muerte.
Y por vender mi país al peor postor.

Porque no era ni pan con lechón ni hamburguesas
La VAINA era Arepa con carne mecha’.

Porque no quiero ir mas pa’ya.
Porque me da miedo.
Porque me siento extranjero.
Porque no pude visitar la ave. Barcelona en la California Norte,
porque ta’ trancada con una reja hasta el cielo.

Pero principalmente porque cuando te veo por aquí,
me da pena ajena.
Porque siempre en los peores cuentos eres protagonista.
Porque crees que dios te puso en este mundo
pa’que hicieras lo que te da la gana
Porque tú crees merecerlo todo; pana,
tan solo por haber nacido.

PERO sobre todas las cosas,
porque por más que digo, pal coño con esa gente,
Y me importa ya un carajo,
arréchese quien se arreche;
Aun se me agua el guarapo 
cuando me tropiezo de repente
con un FLASSSMOB  patrio;

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Ones in a while, I ran into things like this poem and because I am an ex-Rugby Player and an admirer of Nelson Mandela, I couldn't let pass this opportunity without sharing it. 
I saw this poem for the first time in the Movie "INVICTUS", if you haven't seen it yet stop reading and go watched now. Still here go, go , go. For those of you that already so the movie, you will understand why this poem give me goosebumps.

by William Ernest Henley. (1849–1903).

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This Sunday I’m doing my second triathlon

Friday, June 19, 2009
From my Original Blog hosted on my "Mobil Me" account that apple was so nice to retired without giving me the option to move it to the damn cloud.

I guess, I am even more anxious than the first Triathlon mostly because now, I know, what I am getting myself into; so, in order to stay motivated I trained my mind to endure miles of swimming, biking, and running. I designed a MANTRA to overcome the excruciating pain. Those painful moments when you feel like giving up, those moments where the lactic acid is flowing thru your muscles and making your body ache, you vision blurs, and the voice in your head keeps telling you WHY, Why are you doing this to me. Go home now, just make a U-Turn nobody will notice…..

BUT NO, NO and NO this will not happen to me AGAIN… I will calm myself down and I will not Freak out AGAIN like the last time when a 22 feet hungry Great White Shark almost eat me alive... really, I almost died, or was the guy swimming next to me hitting my leg..... hummmm!!! well same difference anyway.

Also, I will not spend 20 min hanging on each buoy waiting for the life guard to pass close by to ambush him and steal his surfboard.

NO, NO NO my mantra will not let me fail. I will synchronize my mind and my body, it will remind me of all the hours of training, it will remind me of those alone moments on the road watching the sunset in the desert and the sky merging with the crystal clear lake……… wait, wait, waaaiiiiit forget that…. That was from the Forest Gump movie I saw last night….

.....OK, Ok Mind, stop wandering and concentrate in the Mantra.

The Mantra must be something close to spiritual almost like a prayer to your higher self. The Mantra needs to connect you with the energy of the Universe to bring the wisdom and the power to overcome all and every single obstacle in front of you.

So after training with many different mantras, prayers, and self motivating incantations; I found my mantra. It was NOT thanks to Anthony Robins, Deepak Chopra, Richard Simmons, or even El Padre Alberto NO; it was thanks to NACHO Libre who gave me the mantra that filled my soul and body with the vigor to keep going, to stay in motion, and to cross the finish line.

…….… My Mantra:…………. “NO WAY JOSEI”

Mind: Stop running nobody is chasing you….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: You are going to drown if you swim that distance….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: Are we there yet, I’m tired….. Me: NO WAY JOSEI

Mind: Hey look at that girl; let’s go talk to her….Me: NO WAY JOSEI, well maybe later

Mind: Look!!! the restrooms, please stop, I can't hold it any longer….Me: NOoo WAaaYyy JouSeIiiiiiiii, hay mama

Mind: If you don’t stop now I will psycho you out next time you….. Me: 0.o AH!!!! NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI, NO WAY JOSEI,

Well you got the picture….. see you in the Finish line

This is not any of my business or is it

I had seen so many things that scare the Living S… out of me; I see kids killing kids, a teenager killing his brother, and so many other horrible stories. I can’t understand why this is happening more and more everyday. It seems surreal and I cannot believe there weren’t any signs to alert the people around them that something was wrong. Common really!!!!!! you are going to tell me that the kid that kill his brother never ever showed any sign of frustration, hate, or even Dexter like attitudes. Do you think that kid just wake up that day and in a rampant just stab his brother. Somebody should have seen early sings and done something, intervene, get involved, proactively take action to help and avoid a potentially explosive situation that can escalate to an uncontrollable point.

One of the expression that I hate the most is “THAT’S NOT ANY OF MY BUSINESS” well if somebody had made it his business a lot of people would be alive today. The priest type of friendship is almost as useless as no friendship at all. Friends that only act or get involved when they are asked too, are no better that Pilates when he washed his hand to seal Christ fate. Ok I didn’t want to be religious or quote The Rolling Stones here but the story fits.

Real friends Get Involve despite the fact that is their business or not; if you see your friend going down, making a mistake, depress, behaving in a way that sooner or later would end up hurting himself and the people around him; Stand Up And Say Something. Do not wait for him/her to come to you for help sometimes people do not recognize that they need help. Don’t be a priest sitting in the confessionary box waiting for the next believer in need of help or just of somebody to talk to.

For instance, if you see your idiot friend infatuated by a beautiful Russian model about to leave everything to be with her. It’s that any of your business? ? ? ? probably not but what if you made it your business. Well I did and today my friend is in his home with his family and happier than ever only because I made that my business despite the advices of all my other friends telling me to not get involved. And I end up with the Russian but that is besides the point.

All the situations and the characters in this story are fictional and product of my imagination any similarity with the real world… Well let’s say it’s not about you.

You can’t imaging the power of a word of advice even if it is unsolicited. It can change people so stop watching your friends lives from the bench and be part of the game; get involved when you have to even if IT’S NOT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS.

Philosophy is the mother of all science................NOT

Reading I came across the phrase “Philosophy is the mother of all science” and I couldn’t avoid the sensation that something was wrong with that statement. So I started studying, reflecting, and asking questions; you could say, I was philosophizing about this and I came up with the conclusion that Philosophy is NOT the mother of all science LEISURE is.

Let me explain. First of all, let’s find out why in the middle ages philosophy was declared the mother of all sciences.

So Let's start with the definition of Philosophy......

"It is not the sciences that teach man to think; it is philosophy that lays down the epistemological criteria of all sciences." So epistemology is the method of logic behind a system of philosophy. Nothing is a philosophy that does not have an epistemological base. Therefore, Philosophy is the "mother" of all disciplines.

Damn...!!!! ok whatever!!!!!!!!!

 I didn’t understand or believe that explanation so I am going to have to differ from Aristotle, Galileo and even Lord Isaac Newton. I don't believe Philosophy is the mother of all science. To prove my point let me tell you a couple of stories.

Galileo was on the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and dropped simultaneously balls of differing weights of roughly the same size in order to prove that all objects fall at the same rate, whatever their mass.

Galileo Galilei's spent hours dropping objects of different weight and materials.

......Another story

Sir Isaac Newton sat beneath an apple tree contemplating the mysterious universe. Suddenly - boink! -an apple hits him on the head. "Aha!" he shouts, or perhaps, "Eureka!" In a flash he understands that the very same force that brought the apple crashing toward the ground also keeps the moon falling toward the Earth and the Earth falling toward the sun. And this is the story of how Newton discover his Gravitational Theory........ very nice indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok my point is… If Galileo and Newton had a family to feed, with 3 or more hungry kids, a nagging wife, a job, an ass whole boss, and another hundred thousand responsibilities. They wouldn't had the time to spend hours trowing stuff out of a tower or have a peaceful leisure time under a tree with their minds in such an idle stage that they can come up with all that BS... well ok not really BS kinda an important but you know what I mean.

Ok, to my point, I concluded that Leisure is the mother of all science and NOT philosophy.

Ok I know I have why too much Leisure time on my hands

I was thinking

Some times, I have nothing to say and some times I can’t say what I want to say; but most of the time, I say nothing because some times and only some times it’s not important what I say but how I say it.

And, I probably shouldn't say it anyway

My Formula for Happiness

After years of research and reading, I came to the conclusion that the secret of happiness is not based on external factors. The fact that o...