Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Formula for Happiness

After years of research and reading, I came to the conclusion that the secret of happiness is not based on external factors. The fact that ones have a life with or without extreme hurtful or pleasant circumstances does not define one’s life as happy or sad. Science is now understanding that the universe is not defined unilaterally but it depends on the perception of the viewer. This “new” understanding of how the universe works is based on the quantum theory, where an Higgs Boson can be in two places at the same time and many dimension exist simultaneously.

So, if we take the same theory an applied to our happiness, we can conclude that the level of happiness is based on our own perception and the way we  interpret the circumstances that affect us every day. In plain terms, the Half full, half empty approach. It’s the way we decide to take the things that happen to us. Consequently, happiness depends on internal factors.

So, internal factors, right? But how can we influence internal factors to have an happier life. Well, happiness is a feeling that for many years have being considered a psychological estate of mind. Although this is correct in part, nowadays we know that every emotion, we have, is the result of a cocktail of hormones, molecules, and substances in the brain. Therefore, the production and interaction of those substances can be stimulated and managed by understanding the brains chemistry how and when they are produced.

So, let me tell you about seven of those substances that have a direct effect on our happiness.

1. Endocannabinoids: “The Bliss Molecule”, it alters perceptions and states of consciousness in various ways. This Molecule is, most likely, the cause for runner's high.

2. Dopamine: “The Reward Molecule” Dopamine is responsible for reward-driven behavior and pleasure seeking. Every type of reward seeking behavior that has been studied increases the level of dopamine transmission in the brain. If you want to get a hit of dopamine, set a goal and achieve it.

3. Oxytocin: “The Bonding Molecule” Oxytocin is a hormone directly linked to human bonding and increasing trust and loyalty.  In some studies, high levels of oxytocin have been correlated with romantic attachment. The bottom line is that skin-to-skin contact, affection, love making and intimacy are key to feeling happy.

4. Endorphin: “The Pain-Killing Molecule”. Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during strenuous physical exertion, sexual intercourse and orgasm. They are connected to the ‘feeling no pain’ aspect of aerobic exercise and are produced in larger quantities during high intensity ‘anaerobic’ cardio and strength training. Make these pursuits a part of your regular life to keep the endorphins pumping.

5. GABA: “The Anti-Anxiety Molecule” GABA is an inhibitory molecule that slows down the firing of neurons and creates a sense of calmness. You can increase GABA naturally by practicing yoga, meditation or “The Relaxation Response.”

6. Serotonin: “The Confidence Molecule” Ultimately the link between higher serotonin and a lack of rejection sensitivity allows people to put themselves in situations that will bolster self-esteem, increase feelings of worthiness and create a sense of belonging. To increase serotonin, challenge yourself regularly and pursue things that reinforce a sense of purpose, meaning and accomplishment.  Being able to say "I did it!" will produce a feedback loop that will reinforce behaviors that build self-esteem and make you less insecure and create an upward spiral of more and more serotonin.

7. Adrenaline: “The Energy Molecule” Adrenaline, plays a large role in the fight or flight mechanism. The release of epinephrine is exhilarating and creates a surge in energy. Adrenaline causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and works by causing less important blood vessels to constrict and increasing blood flow to larger muscles. An ‘adrenaline rush’ comes in times of distress or facing fearful situations. It can be triggered on demand by doing things that terrify you or being thrust into a situation that feels dangerous. A surge of adrenaline makes you feel very alive. It can be an antidote for boredom, malaise and stagnation. Taking risks, and doing scary things that force you out of your comfort zone is key to maximizing your human potential.

So my formula for happiness is based on a life-style. The engineer in me couldn’t resist the temptation to make a formula for reaching happiness.

The Formula  for happiness:

Set a terrifying physical challenge (Adrenaline). Train hard to reach it (Endocannabinoids), make those muscles hurt (Endorphin). Join a team or a group and make your training a social experience; make friends and make love (Oxytocin). Save time for Yoga and relaxation (GABA). Ones you accomplish your goal (Dopamine) be proud of yourself (Serotonin). Set another one and start all over again.

Follow this way of life, be positive, block all negative thoughts even under terrible circumstances, and be happy.

In short:

My Formula for Happiness

After years of research and reading, I came to the conclusion that the secret of happiness is not based on external factors. The fact that o...